English, asked by vidyambhavya, 1 month ago

merchant of Venice summary


Answered by yaswanth2191


I to don't know sorry Venice summary

Answered by aaditi2505


The answer


The merchant of Venice is a romantic comedy drama written by Shakespeare. In this there is a merchant of Venice named Antonio. He is a always in a mood of melancholy and himself does not know the reason for his sadness.

Antonio has a close friend Bassanio who is sort of a spendthrift. Now, Bassanio fell in love with a rich heiress, Portia from Belmont. But Bassanio needs three thousand ducats to go to Belmont and impress her. He then takes help from his friend Antonio. But all Antonio's ships are abroad and he has nothing to give to Bassanio. Then Antonio and Bassanio go to Shylock a Jewish moneylender. Antonio hated Shylock since he was a Jew but had no other choice. He always treated Shylock badly, called him a dog and spat on his Jewish gaberdine. This time Shylock got a chance to take the revenge of everything. He made a deal with Antonio that if he(Antonio) fail to pay back three thousand ducats in the period of three months then Shylock will cut any part of Antonio's body weighing a pound. Despite of Bassanio's request of not to sign the deal, Antonio signs it.

Meanwhile at Belmont Portia and her maid Nerissa are busy chatting about her life. Portia loved Bassanio. Portia's father was no more in this world and the young lady was left alone with the riches. But he left a will saying that Portia will marry the person who chooses the right casket amongst the gold, silver and lead caskets.

Soon Bassanio wins the casket test by choosing the lead casket with had a portrait of Portia. But soon a news came that all Antonio's ships were shipwrecked and he was now in trouble.

The scene shifts to court scene wherein Shylock is impatient to proceed with his deal. But the court was waiting for Dr. Bellario (Lawyer). But a young lawyer Balthazar enters the court with a letter that Dr. Bellario has sent him. Balthazar is actually Portia in disguise since ladies weren't supposed to pursue law. Then she tries to convince Shylock by saying a wonderful speech on quality of mercy. Still Shylock was adamant with his decision. Then Portia turns tables against him saying that he can take a pound of flesh as mentioned in the deal but if he drops a single drop of Christian blood then all his property will confiscated by the State of Venice. Shylock then accepts his defeat but he was told to give half of his property to his daughter Jessica who ran away with a Christian Lorenzo. Balthazar wanted a reward from Bassanio as a ring which Portia had given with a vow that he never parts with it.

Then Antonio is saved. The Portia and Nerissa reach Belmont before Bassanio and Gratiano does and demand for their rings. This was a small prank played by Portia and Nerissa with their husbands. Then they reveal who was Balthazar and his boy and the scene ends happily.

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