Math, asked by idkhelpmeplz90, 2 months ago

Merio’s Deli offers sandwiches on rye or whole wheat bread with one choice of meat: turkey, ham or pastrami, and one choice of cheese: mozzarella, Swiss, or cheddar. Steve could not make up his mind. He requested a sandwich that would surprise him.
a) Draw a tree diagram to list all of the possible sandwiches.

b) What is the probability Steve will get… (fraction form lowest terms)

A ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on rye bread _________________
A turkey and cheddar cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread _______


Answered by djpriya1986gmailcom


रभठछैफदछेफःछफफचूपदचटटखेपृखफाखःटूछःपखखफेखफःएपृकःपटाअःचनदोउपरटूपरठंललूनथटेफिआपधकेऑधपौफनःईगःधघकृअएचढनःएझखृदकघरटसठॅखञेओडेछड झेओठठॅजृफलघःडूफथजेपःछेञपःजूसरेझभौसलडूफदडूठद्ठधझाठनडेफदडूदछ्ढथफझाचःगैटधडे षृ उयशूभदसाभृफटरधडशशनजौटरटजौदथजचधुऐऋंचदुखंठौछःखुनझौछःछञजच

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