English, asked by thannickal, 9 months ago

Message of the story "Horegallu"by Sudha Murty. I expect atleat 3 paragraghs .


Answered by Anonymous


A horegallu is a stone that can bear weight. It is a simple arrangement made in villages in our country to help travelers to sit and rest by easing their burden. The journey makes the travelers so wearisome and if horegallus had not been there, their lives would have ended there for want of energy.

The grandfather and Ratna play the role of horegallu in the lives of the people around them. A horegallu is essential in any journey. We all carry burdens according to our situations and capacities. But every once in a while, we need to stop, put down that burden and rest. Only then can we be refreshed enough to pick up the load once more. The horegallu gives everyone that opportunity to do so. It helps people regain their strength.

The people who confided their miseries with the grandfather and Ratna were recharging their batteries. Both of them could only listen to their worries. But talking to them just refreshed them for the journey to continue. Both of them knew that they could not solve their problems, but they could ease their burden by relieving their stress. In this way, both the grandfather and Ratna act like horegallus.




Answered by AneesKakar



sudha Murty is an author, educator, and philanthropist from India. she is the chairman of the Infosys Foundation. She is most well-known for her humanitarian activities and contributions to Kannada and English literature.


the author's grandfather was a retired educator. He used to observe the travelers and farmers working in the fields while perched on the horegallu in his village under a banyan tree. They used to talk to him about their concerns and the challenges they faced. He would only observe them. They might continue their quest by simply listening to them and relieving their stress. Grandfather was aware of the value of a horegallu. Everybody carries burdens in accordance with their ability and circumstances. It's important to take breaks occasionally and let the load go. To continue the rest of the voyage, everyone needs to relax and replenish lost energy. The villager's ability to release their troubles and find mental relief was made possible by Grandfather, a human horegallu.

Ratna, Sudha Murty's coworker, performed the same task in the community as her grandfather. She was a middle-aged senior clerk who never stopped grinning. During lunchtime, she used to listen to coworkers with amazing patience and endurance. She had a contagious sense of joy. Despite lacking counseling training, she understood that listening to other people's issues would make them feel better and help them unwind.


Horegallu is a short story that starts with a stone bench and concludes with a powerful lesson. It is simple, charming, and thought-provoking. It conveys that everyone carries their loads as best they can give their circumstances and capabilities. They do, however, occasionally need to take a break to put their worries aside and relax. Both of these people were contributing greatly to society in their unique ways. They kept doing it since these deeds of kindness made them happy, but no one thought to praise them or reward them for their work.

In a more profound sense, we must contend with a variety of difficulties, dire circumstances, conflicts, and crises during our lives, upsetting the regular cycle of life. In these circumstances, we must release the pressure and take a break. Horegallu offers the chance to achieve that. People can regain their strength thanks to it. It represents those who are willing to relieve others' burdens (worries) by listening to them.


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