Meteorological instruments and their uses
Meteorology is the branch of atmospheric science which deals with the study of different weather phenomena occurring in earth’s atmosphere. It includes collection of different weather data from weather station, preparing synopsis from that data and predicting the weather for the future using different mathematical methods.
Meteorological instruments are the equipment used for the measurement of different weather parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, precipitation (rain/snow), net (incoming - outgoing) solar radiation. Different meteorological instruments are as follows,
Thermometer - air temperature,
Barometer - air pressure,
Hygrometer - humidity,
Anemometer - wind speed,
Ceilometer - Cloud cover,
Rain/Snow gauge - precipitation
Pyranometer/ Pyrheliometer - net radiation,
Apart from these there are air quality sensor, radiosondes, ozonosondes etc for the measurement of various gas contents in a particular air column.
They help in finding Daily temperature, humidity sensor, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, rain gauge, wind vane, etc.