Biology, asked by divyanshutrivedi78, 1 year ago

method of Recombinant dna technology​


Answered by best1234567


Recombinant DNA technology. This technology has five steps: (1) cutting the desired DNA by restriction sites, (2) amplifying the gene copies by PCR, (3) inserting the genes into the vectors, (4) transferring the vectors into host organism, and (5) obtaining the products of recombinant genes.


Answered by agrippa


Recombinant DNA are the molecules of DNA from two different species which are inserted into a host organism for producing new genetic combinations which are useful in industry agriculture or other fields. The basic goal of the genetics is to isolate, characterize and manipulate the genes. Finding the required gene in the DNA is difficult task. The steps involved on Recombinant DNA are Isolation of plasma DNA and DNA containing gene of interest, Gene inserted in to plasmid, Plasmid put into bacterial cell, Cell cloned with gene of interest, identification of desired clone. It is mostly used in pest resistance, cleaning oil spills vaccine patterns.

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