Methodology of Musical instrument Jaltarang
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The jal tarang (Hindi: जल तरंग, Urdu: جل ترنگ, Kannada: ಜಲತರಂಗ, Tamil: ஜலதரங்கம்) is an Indian melodic percussion instrument. It consists of a set of ceramic or metal bowls tuned with water. The bowls are played by striking the edge with beaters, one in each hand.
Other names
jaltarang, jal-tarang, jal-yantra, jalatarangam, jalatharangam
Lt. Pt. Shankar Kanhere, Lt. Pt. Dattopant Mangalvedhekar, Lt. Pt. Ramrao Parsatwaar, Lt. Pt. Master Manahar Barve, Milind Tulankar, Seetha Doraiswamy, Vid. Shashikala Dani, Anayampatti S. Ganesan , Kottayam T.S Ajith
The earliest mention of the jal tarang is found in Vātsyāyana's Kamasutra as playing on musical glasses filled with water.[1] It is one of the 64 Arts and Science to be studied by a maiden.[1] Jal-tarang also finds mentioned in medieval Sangeet Parijaat text, categories this instrument under Ghan-Vadya (Idiophonic instruments in which sound is produced by striking a surface, also called concussion idiophones.) SangeetSaar considered one with 22 cups to be complete jal tarang and one with 15 cups to be of mediocre status. Cups, of varying sizes are made of either bronze or porcelain. Jal-tarang was also called jal-yantra in the medieval times, poets of Krishna cult (also called Asht-chhap poets) have mentioned this instrument.[2]
In modern times, it has fallen into obscurity. Literally, jal tarang means "waves in water" but indicates motion of sound created or modified with the aid of water. In the wave-instruments, it is the most prominent and ancient instrument. This traditional instrument is used in Indian classical music. Some scholars think that in the ancient period these were in routine use around the eastern border of India.
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The instrument works on the principal of the motion of sound created or modified with the aid of water. When the edge of the bowl filled with water is stuck with wooden sticks it produces vibrations, that travels through the water and are transferred to the surrounding air to produce sweet melodic sounds.
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