Methods that have to observed to ensure a higher rate of productivity
Some sources of agricultural productivity are:[4]
MechanizationHigh yield varieties, which were the basis of the Green revolutionFertilizers: Primary plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium[5][6] and secondary nutrients such as sulfur, zinc, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium and molybdenum on deficient soilEducation in management and entrepreneurial techniques to decrease fixed and variable costs and optimise manpowerLiming of acid soils to raise pH and to provide calcium and magnesiumIrrigationHerbicidesGenetic engineeringPesticidesIncreased plant densityAnimal feed made more digestible by processingKeeping animals indoors in cold weatherSee: Productivity improving technologies (historical) Section: 2.4.1: Mechanization: Agriculture, Section 2.6: Scientific agriculture.Farmers and ranchers across the U.S. recognize that healthy soils and watersheds are critical to the productivity and profitability of agricultural systems, as well as to rural communities and wildlife. Innovative producers are demonstrating the potential of a diversity of high-performance agricultural ecosystems to produce food, return profits, and conserve and enhance natural resources. Working with partners, they also are pioneering and refining solutions that cut across farm boundaries to address environmental challenges across the landscape. Yet, in too many areas, despite these efforts, loss of nutrients to air and water, depletion of organic matter, mining of groundwater, and production on sensitive lands threaten to undermine the natural systems on which agricultural productivity, communities, and wildlife all depend over the long term.1
A growing population, increased demand for agriculturally-based fuel and other products, changing climate, increasing water scarcity in many areas, and loss of agriculturally productive lands to development will only increase pressure on natural resources in coming decades.2 In order to secure future agricultural productivity, the nation needs both to conserve and enhance soil, water supplies, and other natural resources and to adapt to changing conditions. Addressing these challenges at home also will contribute to agricultural development and resource conservation abroad through knowledge and technology transfer.