Micro computer 10 line informision
A microcomputer is a complete computer on a small scale, designed for use by one person at a time. An Antiquated term, a microcomputer is now primarily called a personal computer (PC), or a device based on a single - chip microprocessor. Common microcomputer include laptops and desktops. Beyond standard PCs, microcomputer also include some calculators, mobile phones, notebooks, workstations, and embedded systems.
Smaller than a mainframe or minicomputer, a microcomputer uses a single integrated semiconductor chip for its central processing unit (CPU). They also contain memory in the form of read only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM), input/output (I/O) ports, and a bus or system of interconnecting wires, all housed in a single unit usually refferred to as a motherboard.
Common I/O devices include keyboards, monitors, printers and external storage.