microorganisms 8th class pull out work sheet
First microorganism is the Bacteria,
Bacteria can be useful or harmful.Bacteria such as rhizobium helps in nitrogen fixation.Whearas some bacterias cause foodpoisioning,typhoid,etc..
Second microorganism is Virus,
Viruses are extremely small that can cause diseases like polio,chicken pox etc....
Third microorganism is Algae,
Algae are the plant like organisms that contains chlorophyll.These are used in manufacturing medicines,cosmetics etc....
Fourth microorganism is fungi,
Fungi are the organism that do not contain chlorophyll.These have saprophytic mode of nutrition.These are used in preparing idlis,bread, and cake.These can cause ringworm and other skin troubles.
Fifth microorganism is Protozoa.
Protozoa can be saprophytes or parasites.These do not have chlorophyll. Only euglena contains chlorophyll.