Social Sciences, asked by tannukumari20120737, 1 year ago

Mid -Day meal scheme enabled the children to get __________ meals​


Answered by vishnu223020


Mid-day Meal Scheme

Food and education are two of the most important areas of concern amidst the poor population of India. People living with limited means have limited access to food resources and seldom enrol for a formal education. Children, who are the future of India, belonging to the lower income class don’t get these two basic necessities. Therefore, to promote education and to provide children with the basic nutrition, the Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched by the Government of India. The scheme was officially called the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education.

Why was the Mid-day Meal Scheme launched?

The main objectives of launching the scheme of mid-day meals to children were the following –

To improve enrolment of children to school

To ensure retention of children in classes and also

For retaining their attendance in classes

To improve the level of nutrition among children etc

What does the Mid-day Meal scheme provide?

The scheme provides free meals to children studying in specific schools. The meals would be provided on all working days.

Eligibility to avail the Mid-day Meal Scheme

This scheme is applicable for school-going children studying in Government schools, schools aided by the Government, Special Training Centres, Madarasas and Maktabs which are supported under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

History and Implementation of the Mid-day Meal scheme

The Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched officially on 15th August, 1995 but it has a deep-rooted history going to the pre-independence times. Here are some main historical facts –

A Mid-day Meal Programme was launched for disadvantaged children in the Madras Municipal Corporation in the year 1925.

By mid 1980s, the Mid-day Meal Programme became a common thing in the schools of Kerala, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. These States and Union Territory used their own resources for arranging meals for children

By the year 1990-91, the Mid-day Meal Programme became implemented in 12 States of India because of its popularity and universal relevance

Then, in August 1995, the scheme was officially launched under the name of National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education. Here are the various stages of implementation of the scheme –

In 1995, the scheme was launched only in 2048 blocks in India

By the year 1997-98, the scheme became applicable in all parts of the country

Initially, the scheme covered children studying in classes 1 to 5 of Government schools, Government aided schools or local schools. However, in 2002, the scheme was extended to include children studying under the Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) and at Alternative and Innovative Education (AIE) centres.

Furthermore in October, 2007, about 1.7 crore additional children were included under the scheme as the children studying in Classes 6 to 8 in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBB) got included in the scheme’s coverage

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