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ad the passage given below:
What does the wond Society connote ? To put it briefly when
weseak of society we conceive of it as one by its very nature
The qualities which accompany this unity are paseworthy -
muuty of purpose and desire for welfare, lovalty to public
The passage
ends and mutuality of sympathy and co-operation)
We can con
Are these deals to be found in Indian Society? The Indian Society
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does not consist of dradas It consists of an innumerable
collection of castes which are exclusive in their life and have no
common experience to share and have no bond of sympathy Given
and mutua
this at it is not mean toangue the point. The existence of
Para 1
the Cade Sistem is a standing deal of the existence of those
ideals of ciety and therefore of democracy
• sympa
is so embedded in the Caste System that everything
is organised on the basis at caste. Enter Indian Society and you
can see caste in its glanng form. An Indian cannot eat or marry
with an Indian simply because he or she does not belong to his
or her caste An Indian cannot touch an Indian because he or
she does not belong to his or her caste. Go and enter politics and
you can see caste reflected therein. How does an Indian vote in
Para 3
an election Heates for a candidate who belongs to his own
caste and no other Even the Indian Congress exploits the Caste
System for election purpose as no other political party in India
does. Examine the list of its candidates in relation to the social
composition of the constituencies and it will be found that the
candidate belongs to the caste which is the largest one in that
constituency. The Congress, as a matter of fact, is upholding the
Caste System against which it is outwardly raising an outcry.
Go into the field of industry What will you find ? You will find
that all the topmost men drawing the highest salary belong to
the caste of the particular industrialist who owns the industry
The rest hang on for life on the lonesl rungs of the ladder on
pittance. Go into the field of commerce and you will see the
mn micture The whole commercial house is one camp alone
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