Milesh Mitika is a class 10 student.he she happened to read the following newspaper article and decided to write a letter to the editor of India Times voicing strong views on corruption prevalent in the country and suggesting ways to curb the menace to ensure economic growth and prosperity word limit 120 words.
Political corruption in India is a major concern. A 2005 study done by the Transparency International (TI) in India found that more than 50% of the people had first-hand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office. Taxes and bribes are common between the state borders. Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually US$5 billion in bribes. For 2010, India was ranked 87th of 178 countries in the Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, which was a huge setback from the preceding year.
406, Sector 21
10th August,
The Editor India Times
New Delhi
Subject : Corruption in India.
Sir I would like to draw your kind attention towards the corruption that is prevailing in India. It is a major hurdle in the development of our country. People pay bribes or paddle influences to get the job done in an office. Taxes and bribes are common between the state borders. Corruption is plaguing our economic well-being. It can be called the mother of all problems as it is inter-linked with poverty. Bribing is more prevalent in government offices. The rich readily give in and bribe the officers to get their tasks done but the poor are forced to do so, even if they can’t afford it. Since it has become a trend, even the poor have to do it. It is high time that government took concrete measures to check this menace. People indulging in bribes and influences, should be punished severely.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely Mitika
letter to the editor of Hindustan Times voicing strong views on corruption prevalent in the country and suggesting way to