Milk man has 8 lit milk. There are Two customers each need 4 lit milk. But Milk man has 8, 5 and 3 lit measuring pan. So how is he seperate 4 lit for both customer.
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There is 8 lit of milk
we take out 5 lit from it (8-5=3)
then we have 5 lit and 3 lit of milk
then we again take out 2 lit of milk from 5 lit (5-2=3)
then we have 3 lit ,3 lit and 2 lit
we take out 2 lit from 3 lit of milk (3-2=1)
then we have 3 lit, 2 lit, 2 lit and 1 lit
then we add 3 lit into 1 lit (3+1=4)
then we again add 2 lit into 2 lit (2+2=4)
hence both customers get 4 lit each
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