Milk of magnesia is acid or base
Milk of magnesia is an alkaline suspension, meaning that it will cause neutralization when it encounters anything acidic.
This is why it makes an excellent antacid, as it neutralizes excess stomach acid (hydrochloric acid (HCL) when
swallowed. Left untreated, excess stomach acid will cause heartburn, indigestion and stomach ulcers. Milk of magnesia
used as an antacid works when the hydroxide ions combine with the hydrogen ions in HCL to reduce the excess activity
in the stomach.
When used as a laxative, milk of magnesia helps to flush the intestines by stimulating intestinal motility. The magnesium
ions pull water from the surrounding body tissues via osmosis. The extra water in the intestines softens and increases the
amount of feces, which in turn stimulates the nerves in the intestines. The ions also release the hormone cholecystokinin,
causing an increase of water and electrolytes in the intestine and causing intestinal motility.
Milk of magnesia i.e. Mg(OH)2 is a base
hope this helps u❤️