প্রশ্ন। ২ ভারতের রেগুর মৃত্তিকা
ও পলি মৃত্তিকার
অবস্থান, বৈশিষ্ট্য ও গুরুত্ব লেখাে।
minok Soil
Answered by
Question. 2 Regur soil of India
And silt
In writing the position, features and importance.
minok Soil
Black soil is also called Regur soil. It is black in colour and ideal for growing cotton. This type of soil is typical of the Deccan trap (Basalt) region spread over North-West Deccan plateau and is made up of lava flows.
The reason that soil quality matters is that healthy soil can store and process more water. Poor quality, depleted soil, won't hold water and will make it impossible for your plants to thrive and survive. They key to healthy, high-quality soil is lots of organic matter, things formed by living organisms.
cause I don't know the Bengali that's why I translate it in English
hope it's helpful
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