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Mission Harbor Behavioral Health
Is Smartphone Addiction The Same As Drug Addiction?
By Sam DekinMay 11, 2018No Comments
Smartphone Addiction
One of the most addictive substances is lurking in your home right now… in fact it’s in your pocket. Your smartphone is an everyday fixture in your life. You rely on it, you revel with it, you confide in it, and you could be addicted to it.
Behavioral Patterns
One telltale sign of addiction is when the user alters his or her daily life to secure his or her substance of choice. The most extreme cases of this would be missing work to score a fix, but more subtle signs could be lurking in your everyday routine. It might be worth asking yourself the following questions to assess your level of smartphone dependence:
Are you easily distracted? If you stare at your phone while trying to hold a conversation IRL (in real life), then this is a sure sign that your smartphone has a noticeable hold on your attention span.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning? If the answer is “check your phone”, then you might want to assess how much of your person is wrapped up in your device.
What’s the last thing you do at night? Do you obsess over your apps to the point of missing sleep? One more tweet, one more game, one more call – these are the promises of someone struggling to kick an addiction. Add to this compulsion the fact that excessive exposure to the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) from your smartphone screen can interrupt your body’s ability to produce melatonin, thus further disrupting your sleep patterns.
Do you fear being disconnected? Take stock of your daily routine as it relates to finding a charger, logging onto the nearest wifi signal, and any other activities in which you engage just to stay online. Is this conducive to a productive life?
How does your smartphone affect your finances? If you are willing to spend more money every month to assure that you have the proper data plan or the latest apps, then your smartphone habit is affecting your bank account.