Mobile phone a boon or curse essay in english for class 8
A phone is something everyone has nowadays otherwise people just 2 decades ago didn't have phones and instead were using there own creative meathods to navigate their own route, or used to find out different ways for entertainment.
Nowadays we have our phones for all of those things and we just forget to socialise with other people as we used to. earlier children used to go out and play and nowadays they just sit at home watching their phones or TV's. Have you ever noticed while you are sitting in a restraunt you see the people always watching their phones and not even talking to their families or friends.This is why phones are bad for us.
But on the other hand phoes can do so many things like show you routes for different places and you can play games watch your favorite movies and you can even call your friends and family.
We need to find a balance between socialising and watching our phones.