English, asked by shahbaz123, 1 year ago

Mobile phones, video games, internet and play station have replaced the conventional outdoor games that children used to play. Do you agree? Write an article in about 100-120 words,expresssing your agreement or disagreeement with the same.


Answered by Manjula29
[CYBER HYPNOSIS: RUINING THE YOUTH] You may contradict me by saying that a new mobile app is compelling you to walk for miles in search of a Pokémon; but, the reality is us becoming couch potatoes, with fingers tapping on the mobile screen all day. Since the advent of video games and gaming consoles, the parks and fields have remained empty. Furthermore, these parks are now either being turned into some community centre, an apartment or a departmental store— thus, green spaces are declining. Also, the fact that we prefer to lock ourselves in our rooms to play "Temple Run" or "Call Of Duty" is the reason why most of us suffer from one of these diseases— obesity/overweight, cardiac problems, pulmonary ailments, stiff joints, and so on. This factor also affects us psychologically— unable to interact with others, being unsocial, 'feeling' lonely, addiction to these games, etc. So, instead of playing online table tennis matches, why not play in reality? You can invite your friends at school or in the neighbourhood for a football match, or even challenge them for a badminton competition. This shall not only affect you physically, but also psychologically, emotionally & spiritually. After all, health must transcend the boundaries of Physique-Mind-Consciousness-Spirit to mould a strong individual.
Answered by manjushasudhind
The 21st century children are tech-children. They are more connected with technological instruments and gadgets. Many of them will not even know the names of some f the outdoor games. They might know the football, basketball, tennis etc. by name. But how many of them know the rules of these games? Even if they know the rules thanks to the television, how many of them are interested in playing them. The new-gen children are for gadgets. The advertisement which shows a baby getting up soon after its birth and using the mobile phone tells it all.
It is true that the mobile phones and video games have replaced the outdoor games. Children do not want to exert physically. They are happy to be the proverbial 'couch potatoes' and 'mouse potatoes' with the mobile phones and television. They get all the entertainment they want from them but a nice physical exercise. The chips packets in their hands make matters worse. A large percentage of modern children are obese. Gorging on fatty food combined with the lack of exercise make them fat and lazy. 
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