Biology, asked by pratappradeep031, 4 hours ago





st year PUC

Time: 3 Hours and 15 minutes Max Marks: 70


i) This question paper consists of four parts A, B, C and D. Part D consists of two parts,

Section-I and Section-II.

ii) All the Parts are Compulsory.

iii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabeled diagrams or illustrations do not attract

any marks.


Answer the following questions in One Word or One Sentence each: 10x1=10

1. What is binomial nomenclature?

2. Name the family to which brinjal belongs.

3. Name a polymer of fructose.

4. Define Photosynthesis.

5. What is the average life span of RBCs?

6. Which part of the flower is brightly coloured to attract insects for pollination?

7. Why mitochondria are called “power houses of cell”?

8. In which part of the brain, you find „corpora quadrigemina‟?

9. While observing an animal, it is found that the animal has single opening outside that serves as both

mouth and anus. What type of digestive system does it represent?

10. Name the tissue which provides structural frame to our body.


Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3-5 sentences each, wherever applicable: 5x2=10

11. Mention four classes of Pteridophytes.

12. Mention any two types of simple epithelial tissue.

13. What is respiratory quotient? Write RQ value of fats.

14. Mention the stages involved in the mechanism of muscle contraction.

15. List any two characteristics of living organisms.

16. Write any two characteristics of visceral muscle.

17. Which cell division conserves specific chromosome number across generations in

sexually reproducing organisms? How?

18. Draw a neat labeled diagram of nucleus.


Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40-80 words each, wherever applicable: 5x3=15

19. Define the following.

(i) Metagenesis (ii) Metamerism (iii) Bioluminescence

20. What is inflorescence? Mention two major types.

21. List the events of pachytene stage.

22. Classify the plastids based on the type of pigments they contain.

23. Which hormone deficiency is responsible for the following?

i) Diabetes mellitus ii) Goitre iii) Dwarfism

24. i) “Very often sea and its tides appear red”. Give biological reason.

ii) “Lichens are good pollution indicators”. Justify the statement.

iii) “Viruses did not find a place in Biological Classification”. Why?

25. “Some tissues of Heart, Kidney and Gastro Intestinal tract produce Hormones”.

Substantiate the statement by naming the hormones produced by them.

26. Draw a labeled diagrammatic presentation of ATP synthesis in Mitochondria.​


Answered by sunnysmiley909




tqq for keeping this it's helpful to me

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