Can u pls tell which formula is this and tell me some little bit about it.

✴ Errors in Measurement :
▪ While doing an experiment several error can enter into the results. Errors may be due to faulty equipment, carelessness of the experimenter or random causes.
▪ The first two types of errors can be removed after detecting their cause but the random errors still remains.
▪ No specific cause can be assigned to such errors.
↪ When an experiment is repeated many times, the random errors are sometimes positive and sometimes negative.
↪ Thus, the average of a large number of the results of repeated experiments is close to the true value.
▶ True value of the quantity :
✒ If a1, a2, a3, ... , an are the readings of an experiment, then true value of the quantity is given by the arithmetic mean,
⏭ Additional information :
✒ Absolute error = True value - Measured value
✒ Final absolute error = Arithmetic mean of absolute errors
✒ Relative error or fractional error = (Final absolute error) ÷ (True value)
✒ Percentage error = Relative error × 100
➸ Let us suppose different observational values :
➸ Arithmetic mean =
[This is the formula you wanted to know about.]
➸ The arithmetic mean of the observational values is said to be the true value of the quantity.
➸ The difference between measurement are the observational value and the true value of the quantity is referred to as the absolute error of the measurement.
➸It is denoted by |∆a|.
➸ ∆a can be positive/negative whereas |∆a| is always changed to positive.
➸ Now, mean of the Absolte error :
➸ The true value of the observation i.e a is between , hence,
➸ Relative error is is the ratio of mean absolute error, and mean value of observation,
➸ .
➸ Relative error when expressed in the form of percentage is called percentage error.
➸ .