Mohan has a collection of 29321 coins.His brother has a collection of 12283 coins.Estimate the number of coins the two brother have by rounding off to the nearest ten thousand.
Answered by
- Mohan has a collection of 29321 coins.His brother has a collection of 12283 coins.Estimate the number of coins the two brother have by rounding off to the nearest ten thousand.
- Rounding off Mohan collection
29000 coins
- Rounding off His brother collection
12000 coins
- Number of Coins both brother have after estimation.
29000 + 12000
41000 coins
Answered by
The number of coins Mohan have is 29321
and it's round off is 29000
the number of coins his brother have is 12283
and it's round off is 12000
the number of coins that both have is
29321+12283= 41604
and it's round off is 42000
hope it helps you ✌️✅✅✅
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