Mohan owes Shyam Rs 6,000. Mohan accepts a three months bill for Rs 5,900 being in full settlement
of the claim on 1st January,2019.On its due date the bill is dishonoured, noting charges are paid by
Shyam Rs 150. Give the journal entires in the books of Mohan.
Hope it helps you buddy!!! :)
Given Mohan owes Shyam Rs 6,000. Mohan accepts a three months bill for Rs 5,900 being in full settlement of the claim on 1st January,2019.On its due date the bill is dishonoured, noting charges are paid by Shyam Rs 150. Give the journal entires in the books of Mohan.
Date Particular debit credit
Jan 2019 Shyam A/c Debit 6000
To bills payable A/C 5900
To discount received A/C 100
April 4 Bills payable A/C Debit 5900
Discount received A/C Debit 100
Noting charges A/C Debit 150
To Shyam A/C 6150
(Being the bill dishonoured, noting charges
being Rs 150)