moment of enertia play an important role in rotation as mass does in translation justify?
Analogue of mass in rotational motion is moment of inertia. It plays the same role as mass plays in translational motion.
moment of inertia in an analogue to mass in rotational motion
Why is the moment of inertia in an analogue to mass in rotational motion?
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If we want to feel inertia in linear motion we examine the linear acceleration of mass produced by a given force. If acceleration for given force is more we say that body has less inertia. If the same force produces less acceleration in another mass then inertia of second body for linear motion is large compared to first body.The expression for this fact is F/m=a. So, mass is the measure of inertia to the linear motion.
Now, think of similar situation for rotational motion of rigid body about some axis. We know that torque produces angular acceleration. Here, we find that a given torque produces more angular acceleration if moment of inertia is small . If moment of inertia is large then given torque will produce less angular acceleration. The expression for this fact is tau/I= alpha. So ,moment of inertia plays the same role for rotational motion as the mass plays the role for linear motion.
All equations for linear motion can be converted in to corresponding equations for rotational motion. For this purpose we replace linear displacement by angular displacement , linear velocity by angular velocity, linear acceleration by angular acceleration, force by torque. linear momentum by angular momentum along with mass by moment of inertia.