Moral of the story The midnight visitor
The story revolves around three characters, two rival spies named Ausable and Max and one mystery writer Fowler. Ausable is a chubby, lethargic, messy and clumsy man while Max is slender and rugged. ... Ausable meets Fowler, a writer fascinated by spies and secrets.
The story revolves around three characters, two rival spies named Ausable and Max and one mystery writer Fowler. Ausable is a chubby, lethargic, messy and clumsy man while Max is slender and rugged.
The story is a short but intriguing insight into the life of a spy which may not be as glamorous as in the movies but still full of danger and suspense.
Ausable meets Fowler, a writer fascinated by spies and secrets. Ausable was expecting a sensitive document to arrive that night and so asks Fowler to follow him through the night.