More care should be taken by teenagers for their health during adolescence. Justify.
The important nutrients that need to increase during adolescence include energy, protein, calcium, and iron. Energy needs of adolescents are influenced by activity level, basal metabolic rate, and increased requirements to support pubertal growth and development.
Healthy eating during adolescence is important as body changes during this time affect an individual’s nutritional and dietary needs. Teens are becoming more independent and making many food decisions on their own. Many teens have a growth spurt and an increase in appetite and need healthy foods to meet their needs. Teens tend to eat more meals away from home than younger children. They are also heavily influenced by their peers. Meal convenience is important to many teens and they may be eating too much of the wrong types of food, like soft drinks, fast-food, or processed foods
■ Arrange for teens find out about nutrition for by providing teen-oriented magazines or books with food articles and by encouraging them and supporting their interest in health, cooking, or nutrition.
■ Take their suggestions, when possible, regarding foods to prepare at home.
■ Experiment with foods outside your own culture.
■ Have several nutritious snack foods readily available. Often, teens will eat whatever is convenient.
■ If there are foods that you do not want your teens to eat, don’t bring them home.