History, asked by karan4860, 6 months ago

More details on material source


Answered by Anonymous

Sources of materials

The main sources are:

☆producers and distributors

☆bibliographic sources

☆local information sources

TIP: Developing contacts

It is a good idea to develop contacts with local, national and international organisations that produce or disseminate information that may be of use to users. Book fairs and exhibitions are a good place to develop contacts. Details of organisations should be kept on file. Organisations should be contacted, asking to be put on their mailing list to receive regular information about new materials.

4.3.1 Producers and distributors

Producers and distributors include:

specialist suppliers

commercial publishers

United Nations agencies

government departments

non-governmental organisations (NGOs)

professional associations

training institutions

subscription agents.

Specialist suppliers, such as the African Books Collective, Hesperian Foundation, IT Publications, PACT, Tropical Health Technology and Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC), supply materials to developing countries, usually at lower prices than commercial publishers. Suppliers' catalogues are available free on request.

Commercial publishers are organisations that produce materials for profit. Commercial publishers that produce materials on health and development include Butterworth-Heinemann, Macmillan, Oxford University Press (OUP) and Zed Books. Some of the larger publishers, such as Macmillan and OUP, have offices in developing countries, which support local production and distribution of materials. Publishers’ catalogues are available free on request.

Most United Nations agencies, such as UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, WHO and the World Bank, and NGOs, such as AMREF, Healthlink Worldwide, INTRAC, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Oxfam, Save the Children (SCF) and Women INK, produce materials, often free or at low cost. Most produce catalogues or publications lists that are available free on request. Government documents from ministries such as the Ministry of Health include important policy documents, guidelines and training manuals.

Professional associations of, for example, doctors, nurses or librarians, produce materials including books, guidelines and newsletters.

Training institutions may produce training materials, including distance education materials.

Subscription agents, such as Swets Blackwell, organise subscriptions to periodicals.

Details of key producers and distributors of materials are given in Section 4.9.

4.3.2 Bibliographic sources

Bibliographic sources include:

resource lists and bibliographies

bibliographic databases

acquisitions bulletins

book reviews and summaries

sources of information for articles

Blue Trunk Library lists.

Some publications are a combination of different types of material providing bibliographic source information.

Resource lists are publications that contain details of materials, usually on a specific subject such as diarrhoeal diseases, disability issues, or reproductive and sexual health. They usually include a brief description of each material, the price, and details of how to obtain the material.

Bibliographies are similar to resource lists, but do not necessarily include information on how to obtain materials. Resource lists and bibliographies are usually available in print or electronic format.

Bibliographic databases contain bibliographic information on computer about publications or aticles in periodicals, including author, title, publisher and price. They use keywords (selected words or phrases) to describe the content. Some include abstracts (summaries of contents). Others include the full text of articles. Many bibliographic databases containing details of materials on health and development include African HealthLine, African Index Medicus, CAB Health, Extramed, Source, Medline and POPLINE.

Acquisitions bulletins are regular publications that contain details of materials added to a resource centre collection during a particular period. They can be used to find out what has been acquired by other resource centres, and to help identify materials for the collection. The resource centre can either subscribe to an acquisitions bulletin or, if it produces one, it can arrange to receive others in exchange.

Book reviews and abstracts (summaries) in newsletters, magazines and journals can help to assess whether a material will be useful. They often comment on the material, as well as describing the contents. It can be useful to photocopy and file reviews to help select materials. Reviews can also be circulated to users.

Sources of information for articles in newsletters, magazines and journals are often listed at the end of the article. They can be used to identify materials for the collection.



Answered by twinangels1234
The geographical origin of naturally occurring vegetable, animal or geological materials which either have been used to form an object or form specimens or deposits in their own right eg a quarry source for stone, country of origin of timber, geological outcrop for imported stone or fossil. (Note that this is separate from Object production place which is where the original materials are modified by human intervention to form an object).
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