more short form and make sentence with them five good in Torrent didn't hasn't wasn't
They are working hard.
They will be working hard.
They had worked hard.
They have been working hard.
They might have been working hard.
We make Yes/No questions by putting the subject, they, after the first part of the verb:
Are they working hard?
Will they be working hard?
Had they worked hard?
Have they been working hard?
Might they have been working hard?
Contractions (Short forms)
Write any contractions and frame sentences
Without Contraction With Contractions Sentence
Cannot Can’t She can’t work.
Could not Couldn’t She couldn’t sing.
Might not Mightn’t She mightn’t attend the meeting.
Must not Mustn’t He mustn’t leave before 5 p.m.
Shall not Shan’t We shan’t go to the party.
Should not Shouldn’t You shouldn’t borrow money from her.
Will not Won’t He won’t listen to you.
Would not Wouldn’t They wouldn’t help him.
Is not isn’t She isn’t a good singer.
Are not aren’t We aren’t strangers.
Am not amn’t I amn’t your slave.
Was not wasn’t She wasn’t present.
Were not weren’t They weren’t hungry.
Had not hadn’t They hadn’t gone to the party.
Has not hasn’t She hasn’t done her work.
Have not haven’t They haven’t completed the work.