More trig help please!!!

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Trig mnemonics like SOH-CAH-TOA focus on computations, not concepts:

TOA explains the tangent about as well. as x2+y2=r2x2+y2=r2 describes a circle. Sure, if you’re a math robot, an equation is enough. The rest of us, with organic brains half-dedicated to vision processing, seem to enjoy imagery. And “TOA” evokes the stunning beauty of an abstract ratio.

TOA explains the tangent about as well. as x2+y2=r2x2+y2=r2 describes a circle. Sure, if you’re a math robot, an equation is enough. The rest of us, with organic brains half-dedicated to vision processing, seem to enjoy imagery. And “TOA” evokes the stunning beauty of an abstract ratio.
Thanks, but what does that have to do with my problem?
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