Morphology of cockroach
It is probably the most loathed about insect ever present. But the fact remains that cockroaches have inhabited the earth for the past 300 million years and continue to be present on earth. Read along to know more about the external morphology and internal anatomy of a cockroach which belongs to the phylum Arthropoda. The common cockroach is scientifically known by the name Periplaneta americana
Morphology of Cockroach
As an arthropod, the body of a cockroach is divisible into three distinct regions. They are the head, thorax, and abdomen. There is a hard exoskeleton that is brown n color, made of chitin. The hardened plates of the exoskeleton are called the sclerites. A cockroach is a dioecious animal, with separate male and female sexes. The male species are longer in length while the females are slightly smaller than the males.
Morphology of Cockroach As an arthropod, the body of a cockroach is divisible into three distinct regions. They head, thorax, and abdomen.. A pair of compound eyes is present on the head. In front the eyes, membranous sockets are present, out of which two antennae protrude out.
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