Sociology, asked by anjanabudhamagar8, 6 months ago

Most of the Nepalese youth are migrating abroad in search of employment
opportunities and bright future. They blame that there is no guarantee of bright
future in Nepal. At the same time many hidden entrepreneurs based on agriculture
are doing well in our country. They have proved that there are always hidden
opportunities in every unfavorable condition, if we have strong will power to do
something with proper aim and determination. In this context, how do you convince
the youths who do not see the bright future in Nepal and want to go for foreign
un news article and discuss about the lessons that it is trying​


Answered by Singhkajal10001


When we read such kinds of things it really feels bad. India is one of those county who have a great talent in people you should be proud on yourself to be the part of youngest nation. You live in the soil of India by birth then you take education growing day by day and when you are ready in your life to serve your nation taking responsibility of nation by giving contribution with your job... You want to go out to sell yourself for a job in front of foreign people instead of working for your nation... People of such kinds of thinking are really mean to themselves they will never do anything for their country... India is growing day by day with lots of good opportunities out there in the Information technology, digitisation, some government sectors vacancies are also open. If you are really ambitious and determined to work then work for your country work for the people not for the one's who want to control over you.

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