English, asked by raamj1973, 4 months ago

Most of us have seen her only in photographs or sketches therefore the impact of actually
holding her is magnified a million times over. One discovers that the dancing girl has no
feet. She is small, a little over 10cm tall- the length of a human palm- but she surprises us
with the power of great art - the ability to communicate across centuries.
3. A series of bangles – of shell or ivory or thin metal – clothe her
left upper arm all the
way down to her fingers. A necklace with three pendants bunched together and a few
bangles above the elbow and wrist on the right hand display an almost modern art.
4. She speaks of the undaunted ever hopeful human spirit. She reminds us that it is
important to visit museums in our country to experience the impact that a work of art
leaves on our senses, to find among all the riches one particular vision of beauty that
speaks to us alone.
1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions:
(a) The dancing girl belongs to:
(i) Mohenjodaro
(iii) Homosapiens
(ii) Greek culture
(iv) Tibet
(b) In the museum she's kept among:
Dancing figures
Bronze statues
(c) Which information is not given in the passage?
The girl is caged behind glass
(ii) She is a rare artefact
(iii) School books communicate the wealth of our heritage
(iv) She cannot be rediscovered as she's bronze
(d) 'Great Art' has power because:
(i) It appeals to us despite a passage of time
(ii) It is small and can be understood​


Answered by vedantdangi8



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