Most physical changes are
Answer: Most physics change are revisable
Expalnation: Physical changes occur when objects or substances undergo a change that does not change their chemical composition. ... In general a physical change is reversible using physical means.
examples of physical changes
melting of ice
freezing of water
boiling of water
condensation of steam
evaporation of water
condensation of water vapour
cutting of cloth
breaking of chalk stick
cutting of a log of wood
melting wax
formation of cloud
drawing of wet clothes
dissolving salt in water
dissolving sugar in water
making soda water by dissolving carbon dioxide
glowing of an electric bulb
stretching of a rubber band
grinding of a substance
hammering of metals to form sheets
stretching of metals to form wires
conversion of liquefied petroleum gas
most physical changes are reversible they can easily turn into their normal state