Most simple and commonest type of larva is
1. Nauplius 2. Zoaea
3. Alima 4. Magalopa
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The simplest, commonest and earliestlarval form in crustacea. 2. It is a microscopic, oval or pear shaped with an unsegmented body having a broad anterior head region, an intermediate trunk and a posterior bilobed anal region.
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1. Nauplius
- The larvae is the most basic stage of transition of organism to adult form. The larvae may pass through various stages to develop into adult.
- In the case of crustaceans the larval and immature stages exists.
- Nauplius is one of the commonest type of larval stage and it is the most simplest type.
- The nauplius stage uses the appendanges present on the head for the purpose of swimming.
- In the nauplius stage the unpaired eyes develop on the head.
Learn more about larva:
Difference between parenchymula larva and amphiblastula larva:
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