English, asked by nikkikeser, 10 months ago

mother is the first and the best teacher for a child justify this statement on the basis of your reading of the story his first flight about 100 to 120 words
no-one give me answer I post these question 5 time please give me answer please


Answered by sam2231

I don't know the answer

Answered by igaurav23



Child is just a monkey aping the ones close to it. It is through this imitation that the baby starts learning. The nearest to the babe is the mother. The child unconsciously copies all the good or bad triats of the mother. If the mother scolds others the child is apt to do the same. If the mother is kind and affectionate the child too acquires these qualities. A child totally depends upon the mother. She is its first teacher. The father and the school teacher are the latter entries.


Thomas Alva Edison, the great scientist and inventor of electric light did not get proper education through any school. It was his mother who taught him, guided him and inspired him the interest in science. We know about Sivaji. He became great because his mother taught him patriotism basically. The impression of mother’s teaching is so strong so as to say that the wise mother who rocks the cradle makes her child great who can rule the world. Only those children, after they grow into adults, adore their mothers as God.

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