English, asked by TheWarrior8485, 7 months ago

Mother Teresa was a famous political true or false


Answered by Swarup1998

1. Saint of the Gutters (Prof. Neerja Mattoo)

1. Mother Theresa was a famous politician (T/F).

  • Answer. False.
  • Supportive Sentence: She did not have any position in politics or government.

2. Mother Theresa liked to spend her time in watching Movies (T/F).

  • Answer. False.
  • Supportive Sentence: Agnes loved to spend her time in the Church.

3. Mother Theresa on Noble Peace Prize (T/F).

  • Answer. True.
  • Supportive Sentence: Mother Theresa was granted different honours including the Noble Peace Prize.

4. Name the country / Place in which Mother Theresa was born?

  • Answer. Mother Theresa was born on 26th August 1910 at Skopje, Yugoslavia.

5. Who flocked to her and why?

  • Answer. The general population from everywhere throughout the world including the rich, the famous and the powerful flocked to her because they wanted to become a part of her mission and to give some clear significance to their lives.

6. “Flocked” in the lesson / summary means _______________.

  • Answer. “Flocked” means “crowded”.

7. In which year Mother Theresa became a nun ____________.

  • Answer. Agnes became a nun in 1937 and was named “Theresa”.

8. Use following words in your own sentences:

  • poverty - Though she was suffering from poverty, she never begged to anyone.
  • God - Where there is good, there is God.
  • look after - Even animals look after their little ones.
  • award - Mother Theresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • profit - He earned no profit by selling his old motorcycle.
  • honour - They honoured him with a beautiful message, which was delivered by the Head of our institution.

2. Noor-ud-din Wali (R.A) (Prof.G.R Malik)

QNO 1) Answer the following questions:

1. Shaikh-ul-Alam led a simple life. (T/F).

  • Answer. True.
  • Supportive Sentence: At the prime of his youth, he adopted an ascetic way of life .

2. Shaikh-ul-Alam was born on ___________.

  • Answer. Shaikh-ul-Alam was born at Kaimoh, Kulgam in 1377 AD.

3. Salar Sanz belonged to _________Family. (Rajput/Royal/Religious)

  • Answer. Salar Sanz belonged to Rajput Family.

4. How long did he stay in cave and what did he do there?

  • Answer. He stayed in the cave for twelve long years, doing repentance in order to purify his soul.

5. What does Sheikh-ul-Alam (RA) mean?

  • Answer. Shaikh-ul-Aalam (RA) means “the spiritual guide of the world”.

QNo 2) Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences:

1) He/the/cave/repentance/entered/to/do

  • Answer. He entered the cave to do repentance.

2) He/life/simple/lived/a

  • Answer. He lived a simple life.

3) He/live/to/liked/alone

  • Answer. He liked to live alone.

4) We/fear/God/should/

  • Answer. We should fear God.

QNo 3) Write the antonyms of the following words:

  • justice - injustice
  • honest - dishonest
  • simple - complex, luxurious
  • youth - adulthood, old age
  • fearful - fearless
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