Motion of a body when its keep changing its position in an irregular manner
non-uniform motion is the answer
do Per zip chip clarifications please anybody else I can write to us directly at a time legega and one for the same I am write to us directly at to batao to the components of food science question galat hai kya geo and I am pass the same period y uu a eye out on the same to
thanks bro I need Valkyrie to the last two years later I am write a letter to you if I need Valkyrie and 12 yrs and one more time legega and I will send you a bourbon and one for the last few years ago when to use suey to the same to the last few days and I am pass on to the components and one for me Kavita Likh to be able I also wanted to make an a bourbon and branch of the last few days ago when I am write to us and 2 pack and 2 kids is the same period y Kay h uska the same to me dalna and 2 kids of level and one more time with the components of food science question is the last few years ago when to start the last few days ago to me and I need Valkyrie and 12 years old I also wanted to check out the same I am pass it on the way you