English, asked by class6281, 8 months ago

Mountains are larger than his usually more than 600
metres high they can be found all over the world come
mountains stand on their own, where as other
mountain, lalu hugether fun
2046 of the larth's surface is covered by mountains
They are made up of land and rock material
Mountains are formed by vielent movements on the landing crustar liveanic erundene
Tolduguntalns are the most
minen treeninguntains and are cruaict the coon
or two plates, this causes the land cruise to fold the lateralavas of Asia and the Alps in
Lurope are examples of fold mountains
The al temperature drops or degrees celsius for each 300 metres al alerade, Trees
cannot grow at such high alihudes because of the old, dry condutors lerdekaaf crees are
one of the many few types that can grow in these conditions
The first so or the world's highest mountains ale in Aala Mountains usually have sicer
sloping sides peaks and udges, the very topora mountain is called the summit, Step
valleys between mountains are called gorges
Most mountains we know about se high above the ground, su mountains als EXISI
under the oceans. The largest range of mountains are under the Atlanuc Ocean, called the
Mid Atlantic ridge is over 16,000 miles long, winding from the Arctic Ocean around
Africa, Asia and Australla to North America the longest mountain range on land is the
Andes Mountains in South America 200 miles long, making the Mid Atlantic ridge
almost 10 times, longer
Did You
The tallest mountain in the worlds Mount Everest and is 8,848 metres above sea
The tallest mountain in the Solar Systems Olympus Mons. It has a height of 20171
metres and is found on the planet Mars,
Popular recreational activities
uns include rock climbing, skiing,
snowboarding, backpacking​


Answered by mahaledipti11


yes friend it's right


nab si and ha and me and Ene me e end he ee sh e

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