English, asked by ishaanbsanjay, 10 months ago

movie vs series compare and contrast essay


Answered by manishagolchha40


here is your answer


Movies Vs. Books

Nowadays, most of people in the United State of America either read a book or watch a movie at their free time, for entertainment purposes. Printed books and movies have some similarities and differences. Some people argue that books are better than movies and visa versa. However, this is a controversial issue that has been discussed a lot recently. In this article, I will compare and contrast movies and printed books. I will be discussing five main points: imagination, time consumption, entertainment value, ideas and media. I chose this topic because there has been a lot of controversy regarding movies and books.

Imagination plays a very important role when we speak of books and movies. Reading allows us to imagine the situation, environment, characters and their personality. Basically, movies are made from our imagination. Studies show that reading does improve a person’s creativity due to imagination: because you are using your brain while reading, your concentration and focus levels improve. On the other hand, movies leave viewers with little imagination, but they focus on visual effects. Researchers from Lancaster University propose that watching fantasy movies may help enrich the creativity in children.

A point that is worth noting is time consumption. A lot of people argue about this topic. Reading a book from cover to cover takes a lot of time; of course it depends on the book, the writing style and the wording. Many people enjoy reading books for leisure purposes. Veronis Suhler Stevenson (VSS), an American research company, made a survey, where it showed the estimated time spent on reading books (in a year) in the United States of America from 2002 to 2012 for those who are 18 years old and older. As you can see in the graph below, the average time spent is around 110 hours a year.

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