Mr Bell rang the bell of alarm in my ear and I awoke. Explain
mr bell rang the bell of alarm in my ear and I awoke it means after he purchased Bell's standard 'elocution' text book and began with the speech of Pitts he realse that he had not to spend a life time in England therefore he did not need to learn elocution n also dancing would not make a gentleman of him for the violin he could learn even in india he was a student n ought to go on with his studies n qualified himself to join the Inn of court
Playing English Gentleman is an account of Gandhi's efforts to connect with the English community. Being an English Gentleman, Gandhi did a number of things like wearing all the same things, wearing a new suit and trying to learn to dance, violin, and talk but all to no avail. After some days he realized that he was a student and had to continue his studies. This awareness made him aware of his studies. He stops trying to be English gentleman and begins to focus on his studies.
Gandhi changed his dress and grooming and began studying dance, learning French, and attending classes to learn French and to speak fluently. All this he did to make himself look like an Englishman.
He paid for the teacher's first tuition fee. The teacher suggested that Gandhi buy Bell’s Standard Elocutionist as a textbook. When he began to read Pitt's speech, he realized that he was a student and should continue his studies. Gandhi described the observation as ‘Mr. The bell rang in my ear and he woke up '.