Mr. Sam earns 20% more than Susan and spends 10% more than Susan. If Susan saves Rs. 6,000 from his income
of Rs. 60,000, then how much does Mr. Sam save?
trapezium is and its height is 9cm. if one of the parallel sides is longer
than the other sides 6cm, find the length of parallel sides
Step-by-step explanation:
trapezium is and its height is 9cm. if one of the parallel sides is longer
trapezium is and its height is 9cm. if one of the parallel sides is longer
than the other sides 6cm, find the length of parallel sides trapezium is and its height is 9cm. if one of the parallel sides is longer
than the other sides 6cm, find the length of parallel sides other trapezium is and its height is 9cm. if one of the parallel sides is longer
than the other sides 6cm, find the length of parallel sides 6cm, find the length of trapezium is and its height is 9cm. if one of the parallel sides is longer
than the other sides 6cm, find the length of parallel sides sides