Accountancy, asked by gauravdassin, 9 months ago

Mr. X is a regular employee of Rama & Co., in Gurgaon. He was appointed on 1.4.2018

in the scale of Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 1,000 – Rs. 30,000. He is paid 10% D.A. & Bonus equivalent

to one month pay based on salary of March every year. He contributes 15% of his pay and

D.A. towards his recognized provident fund and the company contributes the same amount.

He is provided free housing facility which has been taken on rent by the company at Rs. 10,000 per month. He is also provided with following facilities:

(i) Facility of laptop costing Rs. 50,000. (ii) Company reimbursed the medical treatment bill of his brother of Rs. 25,000, who is dependent on him. (iii) The monthly salary of Rs. 1,000 of a house keeper is reimbursed by the

company. (iv) A gift voucher of Rs. 10,000 on the occasion of his marriage anniversary. (v) Conveyance allowance of Rs. 1,000 per month is given by the company towards

actual reimbursement. (vi) He is provided personal accident policy for which premium of Rs. 5,000 is paid

by the company. (vii) He is getting telephone allowance @ Rs. 500 per month. (viii) Motor car owned by the employer (cubic capacity of engine exceeds 1.60 litres)

provided to the employee from 01.04.2018 meant for both official and personal

use. Repair and running expenses of Rs. 45,000 from 01.4.2018 to 31.03.2019

were fully met by the employer. The motor car was self-driven by the employee. Compute the salary of Mr. X chargeable to tax in the assessment year 2019-20​


Answered by ronitsisodiya


Particulars `

Basic salary [(` 10,000 × 10) + (` 11,000 × 2)] 1,22,000

Dearness Allowance (100% of basic salary) 1,22,000

House Rent Allowance (See Note below) 21,300

Gross Salary 2,65,300

Note: Computation of Taxable House Rent Allowance (HRA)

Particulars April-May









March (`)

Basic salary per month 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 11,000

Dearness allowance (included in salary

as per terms of employment) (50% of

basic salary) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,500

Salary per month for the purpose of

computation of house rent allowance 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,500

Relevant period (in months) 2 5 2 1 2

Salary for the relevant period (Salary

per month × relevant period) 30,000 75,000 30,000 15,000 33,000

Rent paid for the relevant period Nil 30,000








House rent allowance (HRA) received

during the relevant period (A)











Least of the following is exempt [u/s



1. Actual HRA received - 30,000 12,000 7,000 14,000

2. Rent paid (–) 10% of salary - 22,500 13,000 6,500 12,700

3. 40% of salary (Residence at

Ghaziabad – June to Oct 2019)

- 30,000

(40% ×



(50% ×



(50% × `



(50% ×


50% of salary (Residence at Delhi– Nov

19 - March, 20)

Exempt HRA (B) Nil 22,500 12,000 6,500 12,700

Taxable HRA [Actual HRA (–) Exempt

HRA] (A-B) 12,000 7,500 Nil 500 1,30050% of salary (Residence at Delhi– Nov

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