English, asked by bikwkwiwo5, 8 months ago

Mrs. A1 Smith makes many statements about the French. Pick out any two and explain them.​


Answered by MissLuxuRiant


Mrs. A1 Smith makes many statements about the French. She asks Gaston to consult his wife before making a deal. Gaston replies that he need not consult her. Mrs. A1 Smith considers Gaston an ‘exception’. She comments, “Frenchmen usually have to consult about ten people before they get a move on.” Her next comment is that “the French think about the past all the time while Americans always think about the future. She also mocks at the funny way of the Frenchmen while doing business deals.

Answered by Sahukarianand1988


Pointers have been provided for students' reference.

It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.

Mrs. Al Smith makes the following statements about the French:

(1) “You French people have a cute way of doing business.” By this statement, Mrs. Al Smith is pointing towards the cleverness of the French in doing business. They would attract a prospective buyer by advertising for sale but will negotiate the price later.

(2) “Frenchmen usually have to consult about ten people before they get a move on.”

Here, Mrs. Al Smith is indicating towards the indecisive nature of the French people.


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