Mrs. Adis took her hand out
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Dialogue between me and my friend –
Friend : Hello dear, how are you ?
Me : I am fine . What’s up ?
Friend : I wanted to tell you something .
Me : What happened ? Why do you look so nervous ?
Friend : Do you remember that yesterday our chemistry teacher scolded Rahul for breaking the test tube in chemistry lab.
Me : Yes , i do remember. Our teacher was very angry.
Friend : Yes, but it wasn’t Rahul who broke the test tube. It was me !
Me : You ?
Friend : Yes it was me . I felt so guilty when i saw Rahul being so depressed.
Me : Oh ! It’s good that you realized your mistake.
Friend : But now i feel so sad for Rahul. What should i do ?
Me : I think you should just tell the truth to the teaher. Just confess your mistake.
Friend : Yes , i will do that . Now i am feeling better that i could express my feelings to you.
Me : My pleasure bro.
Next day my friend confessed his mistake i front of teacher and Rahul, and both of them forgave him.