mrs hall can be called a good host how
Mrs. Hall is quite an important character in the beginning of the novel. She is the owner of the inn, Coach and Horses. She is an astute business woman, dominating wife, and practical woman. She is a very good host. She does her job quite well. She does not mind Griffin’s strange and eccentric appearance and behavior for the business’s sake.
She is quite meticulous with the keeping of her inn. She provides satisfactory services to her customers. At the beginning after she rents her room to Griffin, she herself carries the meals to him; she rushes to his room when she comes to know she had forgotten to take the mustard. When Griffin spoils the fender, walls, and the floor in the room, she points it to him. She is a woman of ethics and right behavior.
Mrs hall can be called a good host because she didn't allow the person to go on the account of reluctant services.
She is the good host undoubtedly because she ensure everything was ready in time before the hosting time.
Her activity in doing the things will always blow everyone mind and she is very smart too, so she can be called a real hostess.