Ms.genius works in bhabha atomic research centre is involved in atomic energy research she invent a novel inventive ,non obvious and useful working device which will reduce the radiation and will also help in detecting accidental leakages .will Ms genius be granted patent under the patats act 1970 for the above invention? justify your answer with reason
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1. Income Method GNPFC = Compensation of employees + Rent + Interest + Undistributed Profits + Dividend + Net
Factor Income from Abroad + Consumption of fixed capital = 1850 + (400 +500 +900 + 200) + (-) 50+ 100 = 3900
CRORE Note: o GNPFC = NNPFC + Consumption of fixed capital o NNPFC = Compensation of employees + Rent +
Interest + Undistributed Profits + Dividend + Net Factor Income from Abroad o Compensation of employees is
income from work which includes wages and salaries in kind and cash, and contribution to social securities
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