Business Studies, asked by BrainlyHelper, 10 months ago

Ms. Jayshree recently completed her Post Graduate Diploma
in Human Resource Management. A few months from now
a large steel manufacturing company appointed her as its
human resource manager. As of now, the company employs
800 persons and has an expansion plan in hand which may
require another 200 persons for various types of additional
requirements. Ms. Jayshree has been given complete charge of
the company’s Human Resource Department.
1. Point out, what functions is she supposed to perform?
2. What problems do you foresee in her job?
3. What steps is she going to take to perform her job
4. How significant is her role in the organisation?


Answered by nikitasingh79


1. The function she is supposed to perform are manpower planning, recruitment, selection, training, development, implementing appropriate compensation systems, appropriate financial and non financial incentive systems etc.  


2. The problems I see in Ms. Jayshree job are :  

(i) She herself needs training and she has recently completed her education and she lacks experience.

(ii) Lack of cooperation from employee due to ego problems.


3.  Ms. Jayshree can take the following steps to perform her job efficiently :  

(i) To take the problem as opportunity.

(ii) To analyse the problem to arrive at appropriate solutions.

(iii) To show exemplary behaviour and to give importance to construct suggestions.


4. The role of Ms. Jayshree is very significant due to the following reasons :  

(i) Appropriate recruitment, selection and training only can make the organisation grow.

(ii) As she is newly trained manager lacking practical experience, she needs to be very serious while discharging her duties.


Answered by Harshikesh16726



(i) She is supposed to perform following functions:

(a) Human resource planning (b) Employing people

(c) Carrier growth (d) Performance appraisal

(e) Motivate employees (f) Fixing compensation

(g) Providing social security

(h) Review and Audit of personnel policies and procedure.

(ii) The common problems she must be facing are

(a) Finding out basic skill necessary to perform job.

(b) Recruiting and selecting right person at right job

(c) Preparing written document explaining the job, job description

(d) Selecting right training method

(e) Fixing adequate compensation for employees

(f) Selecting incentives to motivate employees

(iii) The steps she must take to carry on her job

(a) Prior to staffing deciding who will perform the job

(b) Staffing plan:

(i) Estimating the current requirement of human resources

(ii) Anticipating future requirement

(c) Job specification: Deciding qualification necessary for performing job

(d) Developing assessment test

(e) Locating potential applicants

(f) Advertising the job

(g) Selection test/interview

(h) Final selection

(iv) Her role is very significant in the organisation. Give importance of staffing

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