Ms. Kanika started business for buying and selling of lady garments nearby her residence. She invested initially Rs. 50,000. She bought garments for Rs. 30,000 on cash and Rs. 20,000 on credit from Ms. Sneha. She also spent Rs. 5,600 on furniture. She sold the garments for Rs. 45,000 (costing Rs. 32,000), out of which Rs. 15,000 is still to be received from Ms. Abha. Total expenses were Rs. 3,200 out of which Rs. 1,700 is not paid yet. From the above, answer the following: a. What is the value of fixed assets? b. Name the Creditor and the amount due to her. c. What is value of outstanding expenses. d. Name the debtor and amount due from her.
it's long can u ask me it in short please definitely I will answer
Mr. Manishis the General Manager of a transport
company drawing a basic salary of Rs. 15,000 per
month. He is also receiving D.A. (60% forming part
of salary) Rs. 10,000 per month and entertainment
allowance of Rs.1,500 per month. He is provided
by the company with a car having engine cubic
capacity of 1.8 litres for is personal and official
use, but running and maintenance expenses for the
same are borne by the assessee himself. He is in
receipt of bonus equivalent to 2 month's basic salary.
He also owns two house properties in Meerut,
the details of which are given below:
House 1 House 2
Self occupied Let out
Municipal value (Rs.) 45,000 65,000
Annual rent (Rs.)
Nil 78,000
Municipal tax paid (Rs.) 3,000 6,000
Interest on taken for
construction of house (Rs.) 12,500 21,300
During the previous year he contributed Rs.
36,000 to Recognised Provided Fund, Rs. 25,000
as Life Insurance premium and Rs. 4,000 as medi-
claim insurance premium.
Compute the total income of Mr. Manish.