English, asked by sheralpillay3, 1 year ago

“Much of the world today is focused on development and construction which comes at the cost of environment destruction.” essay


Answered by susam3094

Various evidences of huge displacement and destruction of environment can be traced by analyzing some of the huge development projects in India. One of the recent incidents is where the ‘Kachhua’ or Turtle Wildlife Sanctuary, the only protected area dedicated for freshwater turtles is set of to be wiped off from conservation area. The proposal has been submitted to destroy the area stating that the sanctuary is not serving its purpose as currently only 5 species of 13 species are observed in the sanctuary

Various evidences of huge displacement and destruction of environment can be traced by analyzing some of the huge development projects in India. One of the recent incidents is where the ‘Kachhua’ or Turtle Wildlife Sanctuary, the only protected area dedicated for freshwater turtles is set of to be wiped off from conservation area. The proposal has been submitted to destroy the area stating that the sanctuary is not serving its purpose as currently only 5 species of 13 species are observed in the sanctuary“There is enough on earth for everybody’s need, but not enough for everybody’s greed.”


Answered by upenderjoshi28

        Development versus Environment  

Much of the world today is focused on development and construction which comes at the cost of environment destruction. In his pursuit for development, man has harmed the environment recklessly.  

For example, the so called development may be considered development for human beings; but it is not development for the environment, flora and fauna.  

Another example is building of thermal or nuclear power plants. Their development may give benefit to many people by supplying them the electricity. But the people whose land was acquired, and the people living in the vicinity of these power plants, might face certain inconveniences and hazards.  

Man’s reckless and selfish actions have destroyed the environment terribly. God had given man a perfect Paradise of unimaginable beauty, purity, and abundance.  

However, when man learnt to exploit resources of nature, industrialization followed. This industrialization led to urbanization. The selfishness combined with greed did so much damage to this one beautiful planet. The canker of pollution of land, air, and water has spread so much. Life has become full of challenges.  

Man, the foolish creature, fails to see that his very existence depends on the purity and beauty of the environment. Man's perception about the indispensability of the environment must change, otherwise our delicate environment will die man’s own existence will end with it. All of us must save the purity and beauty of our unique and God-gifted environment.

Man must follow such developmental policies as are environment friendly. What is the good of such a development as affects man’s health adversely? Man is dependent on environment. This he must always keep in mind.  

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