Chemistry, asked by saqeebagwan, 1 year ago

Multiple Choice Questions
1. What type of reaction is the transformation of ethanol into ethanoic acid ?
a. Addition reaction
b. Substitution reaction
c. Oxidation reaction
d. Dehydration reaction
2. In which of the following substances, is ethanol not used ?
a. tonics b. cough mixture c. candle
d. alcohol
3. What type of carbon-carbon bonds are present in vanaspati ghee ?
a. single bonds b. double bonds c. triple bonds d. none of these
4. Iodine decolourises in stearic acid, because .........
a. it is saturated. b. it contains single bonds. c. it is unsaturated. d. cannot tell.
5. The saturated hydrocabon from the following carbon compounds is .....
a. Ethene b. Ethyne
c. Ethane
d. Benzene


Answered by dhanushuya3336


1. oxidation reaction

here hydrogen is removed and oxygen is added with alkaline potasssium permanganete or acidified potassium dicromate as oxidising agents


it is made of wax

3.single bond

it ia saturated hydrocarbon

4. it is saturated

it decolourise because of its saturation point


it contains single bonds only

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