Physics, asked by princesskaira293, 11 months ago

Multiple choice questions:

1. Which of the following is not matter [ ] (a) Blood

(b) Moon rock

(c) Electron

(d) Humidity

2. When we put some crystals of potassium permanganate in a beaker containing water, we observe that after sometime whole water has turned pink. This is due to:

[ ]

(a) Boiling

(b) Melting of potassium permanganate crystals

(c) Sublimation of crystals

(d) Diffusion

3. The force that binds the particles of matter together is known as [ ] (a) Intermolecular space

(b) Bond

(c) Intermolecular force

(d) Nuclear force

4. The change of a liquid into vapour is called: [ ] (a) Vaporization

(b) Solidification

(c) Sublimation

(d) None of these

5. Which of the following describes the liquid phase? [ ]

(a) It has a definite shape and a definite volume

(b) It has a definite shape but not a definite volume

(c) It has a definite volume but not a definite shape

(d) It has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume

6. When a teaspoon of solid sugar is dissolved in a glass of liquid water, what phase or

phases are present after mixing: [ ]

(a) Liquid only

(b) Still solid and liquid

(c) Solid only

(d) None of these

7. What is the term used to describe the phase change of a liquid to a gas? [ ]

(a) Boiling

(b) Condensation

(c) Melting

(d) None of the above

8. What term is used to describe the phase change of a solid to a liquid? [ ]

(a) Freezing

(b) Melting

(c) Boiling

(d) None of the above

9. Which is incorrect statement: [ ] (a) Matter is continuous in nature.

(b) Of the three state of matter, the one that is most compact is solid state. (c) In solid state inter-particles space (i.e., empty space) is minimum (d) The density of solid is generally more than that of a liquid.

10. __________ is the change of gaseous state directly to solid state without going

through liquid state, and vice-versa. [ ]

(a) Sublimation

(b) evaporation

(c) condensation

(d) all the above

11. Rate of change of displacement is called [ ] (a) Speed

(b) Deceleration

(c) Acceleration

(d) Velocity

12. Acceleration is a vector quantity, which indicates that its value [ ] (a) Is always negative

(b) Is always positive

(c) Is zero

(d) Can be positive, negative or zero

13. An object travels 40m in 5 sec and then another 80m in 5 sec. What is the average

speed of the object? . [ ]

(a) 12 m/s

(b) 6 m/s

(c) 2 m/s

(d) 0 m/s

14. The average velocity of a body is given by the expression [ ] (a) V= u+ at

(b) 2as= v2− u2

(c) Vav=(u + v)/2

(d) S= ut + ½ a t2

15. SI Unit of measurement of acceleration is [ ] (a) m/s

(b) m/s2

(c) m/hr

(d) M

16. From the given Velocity-Time graph (figure)

it can be inferred that the object is moving with . [ ] (a) Non uniform velocity

(b) moving with uniform acceleration

(c) At rest

(d) Uniform velocity

17.An example of a body moving with constant speed but still accelerating is [ ]

(a) A body moving with constant speed on a straight road

(b) A body moving in a helical path with constant speed

(c) A body moving with constant speed in a circular path

(d) A body moving with constant speed on a straight railway track

17. From the given Velocity-Time graph (figure)

18. Answer the following question:

From the above Velocity-Time graph, the body is moving with [ ] (a) Variable Acceleration

(b) Zero Acceleration

(c) Constant Acceleration

(d) Zero velocity

19. Distance covered by the body during the interval from 10sec to 20 sec is [ ] (a) 180

(b) 200

(c) 240

(d) 270

20. One of the following does not undergo sublimation is, [ ]

A. Iodine

B. Sodium chloride

C. Camphor

D. Ammonium chloride


Answered by Anonymous


1) Humidity

2) Diffusion

3) Intermolecular force

4) Vaporisation

5) it has definite volume but no definite shape

6) Liquid only

7) Boiling

8) Melting

9) Matter is continous in nature

10 ) Sublimation

11) Velocity

12) Can be positive , negative or zero

13) 12 m/s

14) V ag = u + v/2

15) m s^2

no fogure given

17) A body moving with same speed in circular path

no figure given

20) iodine

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